Juegos de Tablero
Pacto con el Diablo
$135.54 USD
Pacto con el Diablo
From the ashes of the Middle Ages, 4 prosperous kingdoms flourish, growing and competing in search of greatness. Two of them are ruled by mere mortals, caught between their lust for power and the need to please the Church; another is commanded by a sectarian who has already fallen into temptation and the last by the devil himself. Some need resources to win. Others, pieces of your soul. We make a deal?
There is no single path to success, so each player will score differently and start the game with a variable number of resources, depending on their hidden identity. In fact, one of the keys to the game is to keep the players' identities secret, at least for the first few turns. To guarantee anonymity and the proper development of deals, a free application is used that will scan the personal chest of each player and thus ensure that at no time are roles mixed.
While you manage your kingdom, you must also take care of your reputation. To govern you must set an example! Some events and the construction of certain buildings related to alchemy can negatively affect your reputation. As if that were not enough, after a few rounds there will be a witch hunt: It smells like black magic here! At this point, players will vote and whoever receives two or more votes will be questioned. At this point, you must show the purity of your soul. If you cannot do so (showing 3 soul pieces), you will be penalized.
During the trade phase, players will be able to blindly offer resources in exchange for money. The Devil will tempt mortals with goods in exchange for a part of their soul, while the nature of the cultist is to sell his soul easily, since he will gain points if he gives himself body and soul to Lucifer. But be very careful with showing off how well things are going for you, as that may arouse the interest of the Inquisition. And in addition to the hunt for witches, the Holy Court also persecutes the forces of evil. Once again, players must bare their souls if they want to avoid the wrath of the Inquisition. They can also try to bribe their eminences... For a modest price, they will turn a blind eye. Lastly, the mortal players and the cultist will try to guess their opponents' roles to earn some extra points.
To what extent are you willing to keep your soul intact?
Editorial: Devir.
Edad sugerida: A partir de 13 años.
Cantidad de jugadores: Exactamente 4 jugadores.
Idioma: Español.
Duración estimada: 120 minutos.
Formato: Caja contenedora de:
- Tablero de Producción (de cartón)
- 4 Pantallas con Tablero Personal (de cartón)
- Tablero de Inquisición (de cartón)
- 4 Cofres (de cartón)
- 95 Fichas de Recursos (de cartón):
- 15 Fichas de Mármol
- 15 Fichas de Cristal
- 23 Fichas de Madera
- 23 Fichas de Piedra
- 19 Fichas de Trigo
- 54 Monedas (de cartón)
- 10 Fichas de Alas de Ángel (de cartón)
- 10 Fichas de Alas de Demonio (de cartón)
- 12 Anillos de Votación (3 de cada color) (de cartón)
- 8 Piezas de Alma (2 de cultista) (de cartón)
- 5 Fichas de Deducción (de cartón)
- 14 Fichas de Bufón (de cartón)
- 103 Cartas Pequeñas (44×68 mm.):
- 11 Inquisidores
- 80 Cartas de Edificio
- 12 Cartas de Demanda
- 20 Cartas de Evento (56×87 mm)
- 32 Fichas de Logros (8 de cada color) (de cartón)
- 16 Fichas de Cortesano (4 de cada color) (de cartón)
- 8 Cubos de Prestamos (2 de cada color) (de plástico)
- 24 Discos (6 de cada color) (de plástico)
- 8 Fichas de Recordatorio (2 de cada color) (de cartón)
- 8 Losetas de Indulgencia (de cartón)
- 2 Marcadores de Turba Enfurecida (de cartón)
- 4 Hojas de Referencia
- Reglamento