Juegos de Tablero

Dungeon Petz



Dungeon Petz

No more wandering through dungeons and fighting heroes... It's time to settle down and get started! In Dungeon Petz you take control of a family of imps that sets up a pet breeding and selling business in the city. You must satisfy the needs of your pets so that they grow healthy and strong, while at the same time growing your reputation by holding exhibitions and closing deals with very demanding clients. However, magical creatures tend to be unpredictable and in the face of unexpected events you may have to improvise.

Throughout the game you will send groups of imps to do all kinds of tasks around the city: get food, buy powerful artifacts, choose new cages and their different improvements, invite new imps to your lair, visit the hospital, reserve a turn at the stage, volunteer as a judge and, of course, buy newborn pets. Thanks to these pets you can add reputation points thanks to exhibitions and transactions.

In each turn you must cover the different needs that your pets have (from appeasing their fury or magical power to feeding them, managing their boredom or cleaning their poop). If you don't, your creatures may get sick and die.

¿Are you ready for the adventure?


Publisher: Devir
Suggested age: 12 years and up
Number of players: 2-4 players
Spanish Language
Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Format: Container box: